Friday, August 18, 2006

New Miracles for Mary Mackillop reported that the vice postulator for Blessed Mary MacKillop's (BMM) cause for cannonisation has received a great number of people coming forward claiming to have been helped through the intercession of BMM in recent weeks. Apparently many more people were encouraged to come forward after the media reported that the Delezio family believed to have prayed to BMM. The Delezio family had a daughter, Sophie, who had been hit by a car in recent months. There was great media coverage over Sophie's plight as she was badly burnt by fire a couple of years earlier. Sophie Delezio is a young girl aged about 7 years old, so one can only hope and pray that she has had her fair share of suffering for her life.
The father is a very loving man and the family are apparently extremely strong in their time of suffering. Herald Sun columnist, Andrew Bolt, has called for Mr Delezio to be named the father of the year.

News article here

Interesting to note the Sister who is the vice postulator for Blessed Mary MacKillop's cause for cannonisation isn't wearing her habit in the above article. Hmmm, maybe they caught her in the morning before she had a chance to put it on or better yet, maybe habits are old, out-of-date, 'pre-vatican II'.


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