Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Same Sex Attraction (SSA)

A study in 2002 by Columbia University (here) showed that social factors seemed more prevalent in whether people tend to have SSA. The study went on to point out that there are no detectable genetic conditions so far that determine SSA. Another interesting factor is that according to narth.com, it appears to be more scientific than previous studies on the issue. Previously they have generally used volunteers which is not considered to be the best way of obtaining a sample of the population.

Does this mean that it is SSA is caused by social factors and not genetic factors? No, not necessarily. Very little is truely known about SSA and there is a strong likelihood that it is a combination of both. Perhaps in some cases it is only genetic and in some cases it is social. Essentially from the Church's position, it doesn't matter. There are many things in the world that make us imperfect as a direct result of original sin. We were created as perfect humans in the beginning but when we rejected God, the consequences were that we were separated from God and this resulted in many imperfections in the human race. Death is one example, heart disease and cancer are others just to name a few. Interestingly heart disease can be genetic, but no one seeks to promote heart disease or advocate 'the acceptance' of its affects.

The Church uses the words that it SSA is 'objectively disordered', but what does this mean? Princeton University defines "objective" as 'undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena' (here). Disordered in this sense means outside of order. So the church believes that if we look at homosexuality in an unemotive light, we can see that it is outside of order. How does the church come to this conclusion? Let's firstly look at the issue from a purely biological point of view. Do we, as a species, need sexual attraction? Yes we need sexual attraction to ensure the survival of our species. Every single species on the planet has, as one of their man aims, reproduction. Whether it be sexual or asexual reproduction. Fundamentals of nature such as this are quite often indications of the 'Natural Law' that the Church views as being clear evidence of God's will, design and plan. Secondly, looking beyond the purely biological point of view, God's command in Genesis to the first humans was to 'be fruitful and multiply'. So from God's command we can also deduce that it is important to continue to multiply. This rules out reproduction (ie. sex) as being an evil consequence of Original Sin such as described above with regard to heart disease and death. So how are we to fulfill our biological aims and Divine commands? Sexual intercourse.

If SSA was natural then it would be a characteristic of all people (or at least those with an ordered sexuality) leading to the demise and extinction of the Human Race. Definitively contrary to the rest of nature and definitively contrary to the will of God. As humans need to reproduce sexually (ie not asexually) it is clear that our sexuality needs to be ordered in such away to fulfill the objectives illustrated above. This is the clearest indication of what 'the order' ought to be. In this sense SSA is objectively disordered.

Further, from Church and biblical perspective, in Genesis, God saw Adam was lonely and made a partner for him, but God did not make another male. God made a female for him. This very act can be taken no other way than that man and woman were made for each other.


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